Kinesthetic Edge

Improve how you move!

Aspire to connect more deeply, live more fully, and know yourself absolutely.


My name is Andrea Higgins. I teach mind body learning methods that are physically therapeutic and calming for the nervous system.

My specialty is the learning process known as the Feldenkrais Method® of learning and movement, which includes a collection of innovative and highly effective mat lessons that improve overall body use and comfort. These are called Awareness Through Movement® lessons.

If you are here because you are looking to add movement-based mindfulness practices to your wellness routine, you are in the right place!

Sign up and your journey will begin immediately with a 5-minute movement meditation. You will feel the beneifts right away as you learn a simple strategy to quiet your mind and body. Over time, I will personally curate your journey with follow-up content that will gradually deepen your practice.

I’m so glad you found your way here. Let’s get started!


Andrea Higgins