Kinesthetic Edge

Improve how you move!

Service Marks

Feldenkrais Method®, Awareness Through Movement® and Functional Integration® are registered service marks and GCFP is the registered certification mark of the Feldenkrais Guild® of North America.

The most important thing to know here is that you cannot use these service marks to market your own classes or content unless you have completed a training program offered through the Feldenkrais Guild of North America, or the governing body for your country.

Photography Credits

We do our best to make sure that all artists whose work graces our own are credited accurately. If you find an error or omission, please let us know and we will rectify it. In 2023:

  1. The image of the woman reaching skyward, and the meditating woman is used under license from Shutterstock. The artist's link is:

  2. Most of the additional images come from Adobe Creative Cloud CC Stock footage.

In the past we have also used the following. Some of these have been transitioned out, others may still be live:

  1. Body Knowledge mp3 album cover and continuing education course cover are used under license by Shutterstock ©

  2. Kinesthetic Edge for Gofers mp3 album and digital long read cover is used under license by ©iStockphoto/Tyler Boyes.

  3. Vintage photos used in Kinesthetic Edge for Golfers are used under license from Shutterstock. The artist's link is:

  4. Awake Naps mp3 album cover art is used under license by Shutterstock: ©CartoonGalleria.

  5. Meditation: State of Mind or State of Awarenss cover art is used under license by Shutterstock. The artist link is:


  1. All programs and digital downloads produced by Kinesthetic Edge are derivaitive works based upon the teaching methods developed by Moshe Feldenkrais and are the intellectual property of Andrea Higgins, or are used in accordance with the terms outlined by the International Feldenkrais Federation® with respect to the use of source materials such as the Alexander Yanai lessons.

  2. No audio or video recording of workshops or lessons will be allowed except by Kinesthetic Edge's directors, or officers. These programs may be made available to participants for the purpose of personal use and home study, if not in violation of copyright owned by another individual or entity.

  3. All publications produced by Kinesthetic Edge, prior to or after 2015: ©Copyright Andrea Higgins. All rights reserved.


Last updated on January 11, 2023 at 12:34 pm EST.